January 30th, 2010
Router is almost a common word in our day by day life. It is like fridge for example. Do you have a fridge at your home ? No! Oh..you must have problems with your food.. Do you have a router at your home ? No! You must have problems with internet connection.

That is very true, let's say you have an internet connection and you get it either using a modem, either you have an UTP cable coming from your ISP that you have to put into your ethernet adapter. Either way, they work with only one computer. How many computers do you have in your house ? Just 1 ? I doubt it. Your son has his own computer, your wife, your mother. Nowadays a router is almost indispensable. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: asus, dhcp, pppoe, router, wireless Posted in Networks | 2 Comments »
January 27th, 2010
I'm not sure exactly how many of my readers are webmasters, but as far as i can see the poll in the sidebar is going seems that many of you have websites. I'm wondering that because i have something to give you, but you can use it only if you have a website.
I've created a wordpress plugin that adds a tool to your website where your users can lookup any IP address. So if you have a wordpress based website, you can download the plugin , upload ipgp directory to wp-content/plugins/ , then go to admin panel and activate the plugin. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: ip address lookup, ip locator, ip lookup tool, lookup tool Posted in Tools | No Comments »
January 24th, 2010
It passed some time since the Internet was considered that bad place where kids are kidnapped. Now the Internet is deeply attached to our lives. Probably not only once you thought at your privacy online and the dangers that are next to every web page. Those are only speculations, actually the Internet is quite a safe place so no one will get his hands out of the monitor and kick you.

The risks of using your real IP address are minimal, unless you make something really wrong. What can someone do with your IP address ? Not much, he can find your city where you live in and that is pretty much everything. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Ip address, privacy, risks, Security Posted in Ip address | No Comments »
January 23rd, 2010
The IP address is an unique indentifier assigned to each computer in a network. That is the definition of the IP address, probably you know this. Many questions raise from this sentence and you put yourself those questions many times: "How they can know where i am from?", "IF they have my IP address they can find out my street address", "They can find my name based on my IP address", "They can get into my computer using my IP address", "Why the IP address those websites show me is not the IP address that i got from my ISP" and many more questions regarding IP addresses.

Maybe when internet was explained to you for the first time you have seen a image with a cloud and everything connected to it. That image is logical and that is probably the right way to think the internet but in reality, the internet looks more like the image above. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: computers, connection, forwarding, internet security, Ip address, networking, router, server, trace route Posted in Networks, Security | No Comments »
January 21st, 2010
Hello again. This is my first real blog post here, after the introductory post which i can't count. I want to share with you some data built here on Ipgp.net . In the last month i run a poll on my website and i asked my visitors: "Why is the reason you use this tool ?" . Maybe you remember seeing this on homepage or probably you voted for it.
The possible answers for the poll were:
- For fun, just to see if this tool works
- I am curious if other people can find my location based on my ip address
- I just want to find out what IP address do i have
- I am checking a proxy
- I am trying to find the location of a hacker or spammer
The results are the following.

Most of Ipgp.net ip lookup tool users are trying to find someone else ip address: a spammer, a hacker, someone that told him bad words, etc. 21% of the users are here just for fun, and other 6% by curiosity, which is almost the same thing. Only 8% of users want to find their IP address while 9% are checking for a proxy. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: check proxy, find hacker, find spammer, get your ip address, ip address lookup, ip lookup chart Posted in Ip address | 1 Comment »
January 20th, 2010
As you can see in the title, today ( 20-01-10 ) i'm launching Ipgp.net blog where i will start posting articles. Before i tell you what this blog will be about i want to take you into a time journey.
My name is Lucian Apostol and i'm the founder of Ipgp.net, i'm web developer and internet marketer.
Everything started on 07-07-2006 when i started this website and started my way into internet marketing. I learned a lot in this time 3 and a half years since Ipgp.net is providing you with accurate ip address lookup. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: ip address lookup, ip locator, Ipgp Posted in Ipgp | 1 Comment »
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